Online Poker Important Positions You Need to Master

What Are Poker Positions?

The term “position” in poker refers to your seat at the table relative to the dealer. 먹튀튜브 the dealer position rotates each hand, understanding the significance of early, middle, and late positions is crucial. Each position has its own advantages and disadvantages, and mastering these can greatly improve your online poker game.

Early Position: The Tight Spot

Early position includes the small blind (SB), big blind (BB), and under the gun (UTG) — the first three seats to the left of the dealer. These players must act first, putting them at a disadvantage due to limited information on their opponents.

Small Blind (SB): The player to the immediate left of the dealer posts a forced bet, aiming to play more pots but with limited information.

Big Blind (BB): The next seat posts a forced bet that is twice the small blind. Though they can see the initial action, they are out of position for the rest of the hand.

UTG (Under the Gun): The first to act pre-flop, this position requires caution, often only playing very strong hands.

Early Position Strategy: Play conservatively, focusing on high-value hands like AA and KK. Be prepared to fold if later position players show strength.

Middle Position: The Middle Child Conundrum

Middle position refers to the three players to the left of UTG, offering more information than early positions but still leaving some opponents to act.

Middle Position 1 (MP1): Known as the “hijack,” this position allows you to widen your range with speculative hands like suited connectors and small pairs.

Middle Position 2 (MP2): Also called the “cutoff,” this seat is just before the button, providing opportunities to steal blinds and make strategic raises.

Helpful Middle Position Strategy: Balance your range by playing more hands than in early positions, but still choose your spots carefully.

Late Position: The Power Seat

Late position, including the cutoff (CO) and the button (BTN), is where poker players make their money. These players act last, giving them the most information and the ability to play more hands.

Cutoff (CO): One of the strongest positions, allowing you to raise and apply pressure, often pushing out weaker hands.

BTN (Button): The best position in poker, acting last gives you a strategic advantage, allowing you to play a wide range of hands.

Late Position Strategy: Capitalize on your positional advantage by playing aggressively, especially when everyone has folded. Use bluffs and pressure to pick up chips and control the game.

Adapting Your Strategy

Mastering poker positions involves adapting to table dynamics and your opponents. Against tight players, you can extend your range from middle and late positions. Against aggressive players, tighten up and wait for strong hands to capitalize on their mistakes.


Understanding and exploiting table positions is key to becoming a successful online poker player. By adjusting your strategy based on your position and opponents, you can significantly increase your chances of winning and becoming a dominant force at the poker table. Remember, online poker is not just about your cards—respect position, and watch your results and bankroll improve.